From the cradle to the grave a full history of the SS Australis.
Explore the full history of this historical translantic liner through her many lives from 1938 named as the SS America, USS Westpoint (AP-23), SS America (2nd time), SS Australis, SS America (3rd time), Italis, Noga, Alferdoss and finally the American Star – its all here.
This web page (in many forms) was first created in August 1998

Come on the full journey with your Web Master from Perth Western Australia, Darren Byrne.
You can read a day by day account of my trip as I give you my perspective as a 10 year old travelling in 1976 on my journey from the UK to Australia.
Join our facebook group, 5000 members, thousands of photos and scanned documents from personal collections. All Chandris Lines interested people welcome to join. Simply click on the FB logo below.
Chandris are now a bulk carrier company and have named many of their fleet in honour of those ships that served them well, below is an image of Australis.