Years of neglect and layup

After her sale she was laid up in Pireaus and renamed ‘NOGA’ and for 4 years never sailed under that name. She never moved of her own power from the day Chandris sold her. At one stage options of floating hotels or destined to be Prison ship in an American port were tabled and her future did not look promising.
On the 12th September 1984 she was again sold and was to be renamed ‘ALFERDOSS’

The now renamed “Alferdoss” Arabic for “Paradise”. She remained laid up for 10 years in Pireaus. It was rumoured as she would never sail again that the owners of Alferdoss were simply awaiting the price of scrap metal to increase. Whilst at anchor she was slowly been stripped of her fittings. One evening she burst a bilge pipe and began taking on water, over night her list became alarming so much so, her starboard anchor was raised and her port anchor hastily cut away (winch failure) and she was pushed and beached in shallow water until repairs could be carried out. Once repairs were completed she was refloated and towed out to her anchorage.
Peter Knego (Ship historian) boarded the vessel during her layup, and has given me permission to publish it on my web site. this was a 14 page report and can be seen in his report.
In a last ditch effort, an Australian syndicate headed by Robert Stone attempted to save the ship however the owners were not interested in the sale. She was destined, had they succeeded, as a museum / floating hotel off station pier Melbourne.

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